Monday, October 20, 2008

My Two Masters

Its past 11pm, and i managed to sneak in some time to do some blogging before i start my pathetic beauty sleep. What can i say, they are my two mischievous little monsters, ops i mean masters. People would say, "who's your favourites?","Are their characters similar?", "who does master 1 and master 2 look like?"..

Well, i must admit it, the day master 2 came to this chaotic world, i didnt really looked after him as much as master 1. I had a maid who looked after him like her own son.We never really took him out to the shops or restaurant, partially because i wanted to enjoy myself without worrying. Yes, i feel guilty for not looking after my own son, but when you have master 1, he tends to take up all of my energy. Thank you W for helping me raise master 2. So when master 2 started to grow out from his shell and becoming a little person, W was the one who first discover his milestone, and i was not there to witness. I was either on the computer or entertaining master 1. Sorry master 2, but i've now taken the opportunity to get to know you as a person, and gosh, you are quite a funny little fella.

So to answer the question,"Who is my favourites?", I love them equally, both are my favourites.Why?? Master 1, i can order him around, since i dont have any adult assistance( when piggy is off to work), so Master 1 tend to be handy at times,"Master 1, can you please put this in the sink", "master 1, can you please bring the rag and wipe it up", "master 1, please bring the towel", basically he's my mini servant, im bad, but he seem to like it.But i can guarantee that this is not the reason why he's my favourite..shh

As for master 2, he's cool. When he's hungry, he will cry, otherwise he will happily hang out in his play pen, provided that his brother doesnt disturb him. Another amazing thing is his business. Yes, what a topic to talk about, but this little boy, he is amazing. If we were to go out, he will poo before we leave the house. I think he can sense that mummy is not willing to clean his bum if he were to poo outside, so he better do it otherwise he'll have to stick with a yucky bum through out the day. Smart boy... Oh another thing is his milk.. when its milk time ( artificially given that is, not the real thing), he will stop at what he's doing and start smiling ecstatically, shrieking with joy. With his little hands sounding like a elephant coming towards me, and turns around and falls back in my lap waiting for the fake breast to feed him, ah he love his milk....

The next question, characters. Well they are both brothers, so some of their characters are similar.hmm let me think of a couple.. ahh the other day i was up in my room watching my ridiculous local channel ( astro died, in the fixing mode), both master 1 and master 2 were busy looking for treasure. Suddenly master 1 said " mummy, mummy, baby eating".Then to my horror, master 2 found a tub of sudocrem ( nappy cream) and started eating it. I was horrified, and being disappointed and yet amazed i grabbed a tissue to wipe away his fist full of nappy cream and took out my phone, not to call piggy, but to record his face. I laughed to myself, and told Master 1,"did you know that you did that last time??" now i call that brother in arms .Another same character is their love of dogs. I remember when master 1 was the same age as master 2, they ( as in the dog and baby dealer)would exchange toys. You could see master 1 secretly giving our beloved dog, Man, a ball in exchange of another ball. Seriously, both of them were in love with balls, both cant keep their eyes off it. But for master 2 case, its not quite the ball case, its more like whatever he can find on hand and pass it to our new dog, Pluto. Things like the clothes peg, and master 1's magna doddle magnet haha ... and in exchange, master 2's little hand reaches outside to grab whatever pluto has eaten up ( which is the case of a broken slippers).Im sure there are more, but cant think of any at the moment.Ah i remembered one, both are willing to play independently ( according to SF)

Master 1, cream on his face

master 2 with cream on his face

Ah their differences, I guess master 1 never really had an older sibling so he couldnt really throw tantrum at young age compared to master 2. But mind me, he did show his tantrum at a young age (15 months). I guess its normal for master 1 to show his selfishness or sadness toward his brother. When master 1's things are taken away by master 2, he would 1)slap his brother 2) push him 3)scream 4)walk away with his head down, hunching and started to make this really annoying fake crying noise, which he apparently learnt that from watching CJ7.

Now with master 2, when he wants something, he wants it. He, at such an early age, had to learn the art of defending himself from his beloved brother. When something is taken from him, he made sure he show his colour by slapping himself on the head ( god knows why he does that), and slapping his hand on the table/floor/thigh. Ohh he's a good screamer too.. he scream so loud that your ear buzz differently ( you know what i mean, when you're at the concert, and girls from behind are basically screaming in your ear, all you can hear is buzzzzz, that kind of scream)

Finally the last question before my eyes decided to close by themselves.Who do they look like? Well i think master 1 looks more like me, whereas master 2 reminds me more of my sister when she was younger, especially his ears haha ( sorry s), but i think he's more on piggy 's feature..You'll be the judge .....

But as a mother, i can see that both of them deep down love each other, especially when there's no one to entertain them, eg mummy. They would happily chase each other, laughing, shrieking, turning the house upside down or master 2 doing the attack by scretly opening master 1's shirt to blow on his tummy. But then again, out of the blue, master 1 turns around and smack his brother on the head... I guess you call this a love hate relationship....

Another important note to mention, they drive me up the wall, especially when things are not going their ways or when everything is upside down. I guess all mothers has the same problems...ahh but when they are sleeping, like right now, all i can hear is my typing ,the aircon's compressor, and yah the bloody gecko calling....

Master 1 and Master 2 helping each other

Master 2 at 3 months, brother love...


Anonymous said...

wah how long did you take to write this entry? must have gone past midnight!


yes, i have to say - masters 1&2 are the most independant little tods i have ever seen! especially master 1. you should see master 1 at a party, he'll mind his own business, play on his own, get food on his own, sit down on his own and eat on his own and i am not joking. everyone especially my MIL noticed and were very impressed!!! seriously... i am not joking! i am sososososo jealous and envious!!! ish! their mum must be really good...


Anonymous said...

hahahaha... this is hilarious.. especially the cream part. I love that!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! especially d cream part.. no wonder they are brothers....

Anonymous said... cute, the boys. It's amazing how fast they grow.

Gerry said...

I remember Sid's incident with the cream on the face! I was chatting with you remember!!