Thursday, July 9, 2009

My first Roast Chicken

I have finally decided to roast my first ever whole chicken. I’ve always wanted to roast a chicken but was too afraid of wasting the big bird if a boo boo was to happen…

I did started off with chicken pieces, and it was sort of a success, but was on the drier side.

The night before, i took the frozen bird from the freezer and started to defrost it in the fridge. To my amazement… the next morning it was still frozen! It was already 10am and yet hard as a rock. Thinking to myself that i had to cook this for lunch and its already 10 am, i quickly took the water defrost method. It was finally done after 1 hr when i decided to wash the chicken and started to get rid of the excess fat. This was my first time cleaning a whole chicken and it was kind of turning me off. The smell, the rawness of the meat, the amount of fat i could see under the skin. I was thinking.. oh gosh how am i going to cook this fella??

So after washing, i had to massage him. Massage him with garlic rosemary butter.. ahh it felt awful haha..

Preheated the oven, i shoved the chicken in, hoping for the best

20 minutes on one side, then turn it for another 20 minute…. after removing the foil, piggy said “ the chicken is still white, looks like it going to be 1.30pm not 1pm”.

Starting to panic, i started to bake without the foil. Cooked another 20 minutes, still no luck. it was not burning… the side were still white!! I then had to consult sz, she told me to grill it to brown the skin, and i place it on the upper rack… Save by the bell. total time of cooking…from 12.15pm to almost 1.45pm .. ok still enough time for piggy before he goes to class..

Result not too dry, gravy came out nice, piggy gave a 110% and i had a burn mark from basting the chicken….

My first Roast Chicken

My injury caused by roasting the chicken… HEHE


Monday, July 6, 2009

Boy’s best friend


Master 2 was ecstatic when he could finally hug a dog without it running away. He took the liking of a golden retriever and decided to adopt him home. He held him so tight that his parents felt the bond he made, so they decided to get this puppy for him..

As you can see, his best friend ( no name at the moment), is well house trained. He would obey the little master at no cost. They enjoyed the wrestling, great big hugs and friendship made..


DSC_1193Chilling out together



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Giving him a great big hug 

 DSC_1212DSC_1209  I love you

The noodle boy and his chocolate brother


Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Master two,who started to enjoy his adventure with the world of noodles. It was only then he realised the world he was missing out, since his only staple diet was rice porridge.

The father of master two started to endeavour the wonders of noodle, when master two walked pass him. He stopped and looked. The two little feet came thumping as his eyes were fixed on the long strand of noodle hanging off the long wooden chopstick. He stood next to his father, mouth open like a little baby bird waiting for food. After a mouth full he realised that standing was impossible. He took the chair and eagerly pulled himself up and sat on the chair waiting for more…

And here are some of the photos …………….


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and he finally stop when he almost gag on the noodle ..

… the meantime… master two’s brother, the chocolate brother, decided to appear during the noodle session…

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The End