Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Master 1!

As i am typing this, my little master 1 has finally turned 3. Happy Birthday Master 1, you are growing up into a little cheeky boy. Sometime we dont realised how fast a kid can grow up, in a blind of an eye, your child has grown into an adult. hmm ... lucky master 2 is still a baby,... wait he's not a baby anymore, he's toddler too..ahh.. My babies are growing up so fast!!

Why is it that when the kids are awake, they drive you crazy, pulling your hair out and screaming all day long, but when they are fast asleep, you miss them like crazy??I guess its all the same for everyone.. Anyway back to master 1's birthday...

We ordered master 1 a delicious chocolate chiffon cake from BERRY, and wanted to decorate it with a picture of his favourite car. I thought they were going to draw the image in the middle of the chocolate cake, but instead they place fresh cream all over the cake and drew the picture of his car in the middle.. hmm i guess we shouldnt assume, knowing people cant read your mind. So all the chocolate decoration that came with the cake was replaced with fresh cream.. sigh...

We decided not to have any party for him, but instead invited his close 3rd cousin to join him in his celebration. Eventhough we celebrated his birthday a day before, he didnt seem to mind. He was so excited about his happy cake that he even tried singing happy birthday to himself.His 3rd cousin was too excited about this cake. She even took herself a plate getting ready to receive the cake.

So he blew his candle, one by one, and im sure that his saliva was nicely sprayed across the cake 3 times..He was really happy.


On the left of the photo, a plate can be seen carried by his 3rd cousin.. haha

1 comment:

Redbabe said...

happy birthday Master 1... :) May you grow up a happy and healthy boy!