Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I've finally decided to update my blog after being so lazy...What made me decide to write a blog before i sleep is to get everything out before i go to bed. The reason why i started a blog is for me to release my frustration, anger and whatever that pops into your mind, but sometimes im afraid to avoid offending those who read my blog. So this particular piece may offend some.. Sorry, but its my blog, and if it offend you, its my way of releasing my view..

I have came to know some friends, who are great people, but sometimes can be a little eccentric on their behaviour...Dont you feel stressed when you have to watch what you say, just because this particular person is super sensitive, worried that your comment may be twisted and analysed and then become offended?I know that human beings dont like to hear negative things, and i do agreed, so at certain extend you have to watch what you say, like what someone told me, "sometimes its ok to tell a little white lies, if that make them happy".I try not to make people upset, watching what and not to say, but what about some who hates telling white lies, and tell the truth??Ok those people are known to be straightforward, whatever they dont like and disagree, they tell you straight, no concern about your feelings, which i do find them truthful( at least its the truth not some white lies)... BUT what if its the other way??What if someone else tell them straightforward, i feel that they become sensitive... So that i dont really understand....I guess there are some people who dont care about other people's feeling, but when it comes to them, they feel hurt or frustrated. Shrug, i dont know.. sometimes i feel that its sad., but i guess in this world, you have to cater for every different people...

Well i feel so much better to be able to express my feelings, instead of bottling it all up inside me.. ahh i should do that more often hahahaha....

1 comment:

Redbabe said...

wah.. so deep arr? sorry if my straightforwardness upset u anyway. I'll shut up next time. :p