Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Time to chill .....

A few days ago, Piggy decided to take us out for some cakes and drinks. Both of us needed to indulgence ourselves after a hard day at work(Yes, i had a hard day at work too you know). We decided to venture the whole family to Coffee Bean. Luckily we managed to find a comforty couch instead of the hard chairs. Looking at the selections of cakes, pastries, pies and biscuit made my tummy grumble. So i ordered my favourite cheese cake, and piggy ordered a different type of cheesecake.Next, what to drink... i told piggy to grab me a small hot chocolate ( needed to control my diet, after all, cheesecake and hot chocolate at 9pm!)

When the yummy cakes and drinks finally arrived, my small hot chocolate suddenly became a tall glass, looks like a mug of beer. How on earth am i suppose to finish it?Well piggy told me it was only extra 50 cents so he ordered me the large instead...

While taking the chance to enjoy myself (without much success), the two little masters were mucking around. They seem to be entertaining the other guests at Coffee bean.

Trying to relax and enjoy myself, i zone myself out and looked across. There was another family, similar to us. Two boys playing happily, jumping from one end of the couch to another. The youngest was happily playing with a piece of straw given by his father, and you could see the parents finding it interesting that they all took out their phone to snap photos. They were too trying to chill out, but with their kids around running, i dont think that was possible.

Later on, the mother seem to drift to her own world, sipping her drink and eating her cake.She didnt seem to be paying any attention to what is happening around her. The poor father had to do the job of keeping the kids in line, and at the same time eating his cake. It seem that every scoop of cake he takes, half falls on the floor. After observing the family for half an hour, piggy asked me whether i wanted to go as the kids were showing their sign of boredom. I said yes and stood up too.Coincidentally, the father said something to the wife, and they too both stood up to get ready to leave. After coming back to my sense, i realised that the family i was seeing was my own. The reflection says it all...........


Suddenly the flow of overdue blog begins haha.. oh and i upgrade the size of the wording, didnt realised that it was so small.Sorry.. Happy reading.. and its like 130am and im still not sleeping.. ahh my flow of creativity is back!! haha

Whats for dinner?

Ah another new recipe for those who are interested.

The other day i was at one of the restaurant, and i ate this really yummy eggplant with minced meat. So i decided to search online, and apparently its called Szechuan Spicy Eggplant. The outcome was alright, except that i should reduce the amount of corn starch. Otherwise, not a bad dish...

Here is the recipe from this website ( too lazy to type it all over again)

I modify some stuff...


1 large eggplant, diced
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1/4 cup chicken stock
1 teaspoon chili sauce
1 teaspoon white sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 tablespoon cornstarch
4 tablespoons water
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 shallots minced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger root
1 pound lean ground beef /pork /chicken
1 tablespoon vegetable or sesame oil


1) Cut eggplant into 1-inch cubes.

2)In a medium bowl, combine the soy sauce, chicken stock, chili sauce, sugar, ground black pepper and oyster sauce. Stir together well and set aside.

3)In a separate small bowl, combine the cornstarch and water, and set aside.

4) Oil the pan, saute the garlic, shallot, ginger and meat, stirring constantly, until they begin to brown.

5)Pour the eggplant into the pan and stir all together.

6) Pour the soy sauce mixture over all, cover the pan, reduce heat to medium low and let simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

7)Stir in the cornstarch mixture and let heat until thickened.

8) Add the sesame oil.

Finish product

HaHa after reading the recipe again, i realised that i misread the cornstarch.. I complained that its too sticky cos i actually put 2 tablespoon of cornstarch instead of 1.. silly me...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I've finally decided to update my blog after being so lazy...What made me decide to write a blog before i sleep is to get everything out before i go to bed. The reason why i started a blog is for me to release my frustration, anger and whatever that pops into your mind, but sometimes im afraid to avoid offending those who read my blog. So this particular piece may offend some.. Sorry, but its my blog, and if it offend you, its my way of releasing my view..

I have came to know some friends, who are great people, but sometimes can be a little eccentric on their behaviour...Dont you feel stressed when you have to watch what you say, just because this particular person is super sensitive, worried that your comment may be twisted and analysed and then become offended?I know that human beings dont like to hear negative things, and i do agreed, so at certain extend you have to watch what you say, like what someone told me, "sometimes its ok to tell a little white lies, if that make them happy".I try not to make people upset, watching what and not to say, but what about some who hates telling white lies, and tell the truth??Ok those people are known to be straightforward, whatever they dont like and disagree, they tell you straight, no concern about your feelings, which i do find them truthful( at least its the truth not some white lies)... BUT what if its the other way??What if someone else tell them straightforward, i feel that they become sensitive... So that i dont really understand....I guess there are some people who dont care about other people's feeling, but when it comes to them, they feel hurt or frustrated. Shrug, i dont know.. sometimes i feel that its sad., but i guess in this world, you have to cater for every different people...

Well i feel so much better to be able to express my feelings, instead of bottling it all up inside me.. ahh i should do that more often hahahaha....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How do you categories your friends?

This blog was suppose to be published a couple of weeks ago, but was too lazy to post it up, so here it is after 2 weeks sitting in my draft folder.....

excerpt from MSN

**** says:
i oso have to say thank you to you too... for being so helpful and accommodating
**** says:
oso sorry if i have hurt/offended u

me says:
what for?

**** says:
i've grateful that we r so close...

**** says:
for being around me loh

This is what a close friend said to me today. That was nice of her, what a nice things to say and it did brighten up my day. So the topic for the day is friendship. What is a friend?How do you categories them??

This particular close friend, who is more then that ,told me that she is no longer close to her best friend. They had slowly drifted apart and wanted to salvage their friendship before its too late. She said that she felt lost when her best friend got married, she was scared of loosing her. No, she is not a lesbian hahaha but she's scared that once married, the time they spend together likes sister will no longer be possible....this is what she told me.. "my fren.. she is one person who will help you no matter how small or big the favor is, unlike **** and so on, it depends the kind of favor u ask.. then she will consider and then she will decide...
i dun dare to ask favor from her d". ..

Obviously from my view, not everyone will help you, i told her that you may have lots of friends, but how do you categorise them and how do they categorise you?

In my circle of friends, there are 4 categories :

1)Acquaintance - recently met, say hi and bye, dont know much about their family history, will only meet up if required,not close enough to reveal personal details

2)Friend-Hang out once in a while , not close enough depend on, cant be too straightforward, must be careful with people's feelings

3)Close friend- someone who you can sometime depend on but not all the time, call last minute and tell them that you're dropping by their place vice verses, asking them out for dinner last minute, not afraid to be a little straightforward, keep in touch often, borrow stuff that you dont have

4)Best friends- someone who you can depend on most of the time, pour your feelings, straightforward , truthful, share your deepest darkest secret, and feel happy when they are around..

But some people take friends for granted, never appreciate the things that their friend do or some even expected that its their right, like as thought you owe them....

Its nice to have friends in our life, share your thought, share ideas, someone to lean on and lastly, having fun... so when is the next girls night out???

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Legs, hands and fingers were crossed. Two lovely families wanted to take their family photo at FRIM. According to the weather prediction, it was going to thunder .... not a good scene if we were to take a family photos, but then again it can be a wet photoshoot??

We left the house on 25th October, and took a peek at the weather, so far so good. Sf and I kept in touch via sms about the weather and arrival time. IT was indeed a great day,sunny and bright, so i wore my sunnies to block out the rays.But as times goes by, i noticed that the weather wasnt looking as bright as i thought. Then i realised that i was wearing my sunnies.. DUH..

Finally arrived at FRIM. I've never really gone in, except the first time when i decided to follow piggy for his mountain biking adventure.Gosh it hard work, 20km of riding in the forest, GREAT, and a interesting adventure. I was more afraid of getting bitten by mozzies then falling down. After ending our 1 way trip, we sat down and had a little break, ice milo and my first taste of malay fish crackers...hmm that was 4 years ago. Oh and as i was riding back to the car, i was amazed with myself for not falling down, but as i was thinking about that, i did fall down...see its all in the head..

Anyway back to the story,we drove through the entrance of FRIM. Oh my, what a photographer's heaven. It was really beautiful, tree so high that you cant see the sky, brown leaf scattered on the left, and on the right old malay wooden house. Now I wonder why all the wedding photographer come here to take their photos.I was mesmerised....

We have finally arrived in our destination, SF showed us the waterfall. We walked up the slope with difficulties ( imagine carrying a baby in one hand, and the kids' goodies bag in another) It was a tiring hike up ..Imagine 3 families, 7 kids all under the age of 5.

So we took out our gears and started shooting like we were the paparazzi. It was great fun, the kids were enjoying their picnic and straight after that they were off in the water. Splash !!!

Lots of photos were taken and lucky n's maid helped us to look after master 2, who was the only one missing out in the water fun!Finally after the water session, everyone changed into their dry clothes and ate once more before heading to the road.

N invited everyone to chill out in her place, shower the kids and relax with a glass of wine. Why not. It was a really tiring day and after walking out of the picnic area, we didnt realised that it was a really hot day, and i mean hot as in extremely hot!!

The excited mothers couldnt wait to see their photos, but i told them they had to wait, need to do some touch up..After 2 weeks of hard work I have finally completed the photos taken at FRIM. Took a little longer than usual because my laptop couldnt handle the pressure.. even computer has feelings too haha

Here are some of my favourite photos taken ...( I was granted permission to upload the photos by the models)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Master 1!

As i am typing this, my little master 1 has finally turned 3. Happy Birthday Master 1, you are growing up into a little cheeky boy. Sometime we dont realised how fast a kid can grow up, in a blind of an eye, your child has grown into an adult. hmm ... lucky master 2 is still a baby,... wait he's not a baby anymore, he's toddler too..ahh.. My babies are growing up so fast!!

Why is it that when the kids are awake, they drive you crazy, pulling your hair out and screaming all day long, but when they are fast asleep, you miss them like crazy??I guess its all the same for everyone.. Anyway back to master 1's birthday...

We ordered master 1 a delicious chocolate chiffon cake from BERRY, and wanted to decorate it with a picture of his favourite car. I thought they were going to draw the image in the middle of the chocolate cake, but instead they place fresh cream all over the cake and drew the picture of his car in the middle.. hmm i guess we shouldnt assume, knowing people cant read your mind. So all the chocolate decoration that came with the cake was replaced with fresh cream.. sigh...

We decided not to have any party for him, but instead invited his close 3rd cousin to join him in his celebration. Eventhough we celebrated his birthday a day before, he didnt seem to mind. He was so excited about his happy cake that he even tried singing happy birthday to himself.His 3rd cousin was too excited about this cake. She even took herself a plate getting ready to receive the cake.

So he blew his candle, one by one, and im sure that his saliva was nicely sprayed across the cake 3 times..He was really happy.


On the left of the photo, a plate can be seen carried by his 3rd cousin.. haha

New Life

" Go update your blog, nothing new to read". Ok, for the past few days i have been very busy doing my extra paid work and my beloved friend has decided to slow down on me. This beloved friend of mine is my only hope outside the world, so slowing down on me is not a good thing. On a faithful Sunday, we have decided to give our old friend a better life. We had to increase his memory so he could work faster, and think quicker. The decision of increasing his stomach was also made as his capacity can no longer digest, eventhough we have tried to take him to the trash to throw his unwanted junk. Unfortunately the doctor told us that the reason why he was slowing down is because we did not looked after him properly. He might be infected with viruses, since we have not updated his vaccination. The doctor also noticed that when we woke him up, he took a little longer than usual. It was a very hard decision, but we had to detox him, and erasing all his past history with us.

Our consultant, M, helped us detox our beloved friend. What a great job he has done.Thank you, without your help, i wouldnt know what to my beloved friend is a little fast in his thinking and he has heaps of space. After doing all the major detoxing, M left and told me to finish updating his vaccinated and his education. All done. Well protected and up to date!!I shall take care of you my beloved friend, aspire. I shall maintain you with all the necessary education and get you check up regularly.. that mean keeping you on a strict diet!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Its Saturday afternoon and yet again piggy is busy working. I'm at home with the kids and i feel extremely hot.( no i dont think im hot haha just that the weather is ridiculously warm today ).

Today we have finally decided to enrol Master 1 to a playschool. After many years of torturing myself, i am finally going to leave him in safe hand. So the 3 precious hours at school is suppose to free me up some time to spend with master 2. Poor master 2, always getting bullied by his brother, at least he too can enjoy the precious 3 hours of play time!!

Choosing a play school was confusing for me. Is the playschool good?Location? There's just too many around my area. But i think most of them are on a babysitting more than a school. After hearing other comments about this particular school, i have finally decided to send him there. I hope he will learn new things and make new friends.. Master 1, you can finally go to school ...

So sleep in will be the past when the new year begins....bummer.. haha