Sunday, February 22, 2009

Birthday for Master A


*At 5.15pm i called the host and asked them whether they were at the venue. Unfortunately we were there before the host was*

It was Master A's First Birthday, and proud parents wanted to have a Mc Donald birthday party. He didnt seem to particularly mind what is happening, just enjoying the laughters of his sister and his other little friends. He seem so far away, so it was easy peasy taking photos of him. Happy 1st Birthday Prince A, may you grow up into a charming boy.

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Master A

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Some of master A's Adult friends                    Master 2 with his "bad" man




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Kids having a ball                      Master A is hypnotised by the candle or 
                                               was he afraid of the lion?


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Inconsiderate Drivers!!

"Far out!!! ", flash flash * blood pressure going up*

Ever noticed why i dislike driving, especially in Malaysia??People on the road are inconsiderate.

Took master 1 to school as usual, and waited patiently for my turn to take a turn. Today traffic was a little heavy, and the cars behind me are piling up. While slowly creeping behind another car, i left a small gap ( i didnt want to literally leave 1 inch between my front bummer and the other car bummer), a car from no where tried to squeeze into that small half a meter gap. What drives me crazy is the lack of indicator.. no signal, no thank you.. just a force me in act. There are many occasions. I'm just a nice chick who let everyone in..


As i was about to make my left turn, 1 car basically turned together with me,side by side and driving on opposite lane  wanting to cut in.I didnt budge, i made my way, they just dont have the patience to wait like the others...

Another inconsiderate is side parking on the main road...dont they know its a heavy traffic and parking on the side of the road is a no no? But i guess, majority just cant be bothered?As long as they can park their car, whether it on the highway or triple parking, they will do it...Hey if they can park in the middle of the road and do their errand, they will....

I am developing road rage.......

Sunday, February 15, 2009



Its Valentines day, and piggy decided to treat me to a dessert. We wanted to just enjoyed our time together, so we told master 1 to stay at home. We bribe him by telling him that we will get him a chocolate cake for being a good boy.At the door i gave him a big kiss and a hug and told him to be a good boy. Before i closed the main wooden door, my 3 years old son decided to tell me the direction out of the house....

master 1 said, " Turn right, turn left, see park, go straight".. I was shocked. I'm thinking to myself...I know the whole world knows im bad with direction, but i never expected that my own son was one of them!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009



*buying myself some cakes, cookies and oat porridge for master 2.. ahh how interesting... bargaining for better discount ....*



Turning off the alarm on my mobile phone, struggling to look at the time - 7.15am. What a nice dream.... so yummy.... anyway its time to wake up. Got to get ready for school. Those were the days when i had to get ready for school, but this time round its school for my little master 1.  I havent gotten around to blog about master 1's first day of school and life as a 3 years old.So i will backtrack...

First day of school for master 1 started on 5th January. It was the first time driving him to school. The night before i was anxious, i couldnt sleep. I woke up almost every 2 hours looking at the clock, afraid that i might not wake up in time to take him to school. 

After many tossing and turning, i've finally decided not to head back to sleep. It was already 530am, and i was the first in the house to be up, even Pluto was snoring away. It seem that i am the only person to be so excited about master 1 first day at school. I finally woke him up at 7am, and reluctantly he was up with a grumpy look. "Master 1, lets go to school today..."...I've always told him that all his friends, M, Z, T and T  were at school when he always ask for them .  

Master 1 said ," lets go to m's house" or " lets go see Z", my reply to him " M, Z, T and T are at school.."... so his impression of school is fun, because all his friends went to school.( that is what he thought)

 Piggy has agreed to accompany both of us to school.So carefully i drove to master 1's school. Both hand were held and we walked into the school ground. We had to pick up his uniform and textbooks. Kids were running around, and there was this little boy who was crying his eyes out. He didnt want to leave his mum. His grandmother was trying to comfort her grandson but with no success.The sound of his crying started to make my eyes swell with tears. I was controlling. I was afraid that master 1 too decided to give in, but surprising, he seem quite happy and excited.

After long discussion, the administrator finally took us to master 1's classroom. Many kids were already seated in their seat, most of them seem older than master 1. The teacher was surprised to see master 1, she asked us whether this little master 1 was a girl or boy, we told her its a HE. She did mention that the next few days is for the kids who stayed after school, and the actual class starts on thursday.(I wasnt sure, everyone told me school started on the 5th, so i went in. thank goodness for me that mean no driving till thursday haha)

We left master 1 at school, and piggy and i went off for a early breakfast at the local corner shop. We were actually together without the kids, and it was different for a change. But i wasnt really enjoying myself, as i was busy looking at my watch for the time, scared that master 1 may not cope well. What was crazy is the fact that time suddenly slowed down.

Oh guess what?master 1 did finally cried. He cried because he didnt want to go home, he was having too much fun at school!!!!( wait till you go to school for the next 15 years!)

So that was his first day of school for him. Oh by the way, i did write a blog about his first day of school, but somehow it disappeared..... *Shrug*

*Back to the present*

For the past 6 weeks, i have personally taken master 1 to his classroom, and observed how the teacher took control of the kids. Its quite interesting how the little kids are trained. Firstly, master 1 has to go to his destination part of his table, placed his bag under the table, and proceed to retrieve his small little plastic chair stacked in the corner of the room. They are trained to put back their chair to the stack after class has finished. Then he would have to take out his homework pouch from his bag and place his "message" book on the table in front of him.When all done, he would sit down and take a book from his table to flip through or there was one time they get to play with a wooden puzzle. At the other corner of the room, placed on the table was a plastic box containing some cut up bread/sandwiches for their breakfast, and a jug of plain water.

Hmm oh just remembered, today was something different. The teacher commanded all of the girls and boys to line up like a train, shortest in the front( master 1). They were apparently heading to the little girls and boys room. Then the chant "Choo Choo, Choo Choo", and they all followed each other to the toilet holding each other shoulders.

There was one day master 1 wasnt feeling well. I got a call from the school telling me to pick him up. So off i went, driving all the way from home to pick him up, to only later tell me that the teacher managed to calm him down. So looking like an idiot, i didnt know what to do. Should i continue to stay at school and wait for him to finish ( it was only 10am) or come back and pick him up ( waste petrol) or go over to my aunt's house. I took the first option. I hung around looking like a silly billy, and finally decided to ask the administrator whether i could peek a boo and watch how the teacher conducted her class.  So there i was, door shut because the aircond was on, i open a little crack in the door. Peeping, the teacher was teaching them phonic and they were playing the alphabets game. Each child were given a chance to pick a letter out of the black bag and place it in the alphabets tray, and then sound it out. Interesting. After all 13 kids has had their chance, they started singing some malay children song- something about waking up, brushing their teeth, eating bread and drinking milk etc. Apparently this is a very common malay children song, i dont know the words,but lately master 1 has been singing it( words are all wrong, but the tune is there) .

Another interesting thing is dismissal of class. When class has ended, all the kids are ordered to come down to the 2 years old classroom which is located downstairs. They are then asked to line up again in the train style and all 13 of them entered the room. For the next 5 minutes or so, they sing more songs, Days of the week was one of them and the others im not sure. Finally the last song was something about good bye teacher in 3 languages, if im not mistaken. Once done, they are dismissed into the side play area, waiting for mummy or daddy to pick them up.

Ahh thats about all that i can think of. Its coming to 11 and i gotta get ready to pick master 1 in 30minutes ... a personal driver...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chinese New Year heaven


Yesterday i was on food heaven!!My prayer was answered, and i'm still thinking about it.

The cooks were A and M, and i am eager, waiting for your recipes ... oh, i too baked something for them, but unfortunately before i left, no one had a keen sweet tooth and were busy watching IP MAN ..........

A and M, thank you for making me the happiest person......GREAT FOOD!!

Happy birthday to M!

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Naked Chef in action



Sambal                                                     Sambal and eggs


Can you see the sweat beads on his head?


Preparing the Yee Sang

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Kids at play



Yes, can i help you??



Sharing is Caring



Peace Dude



Cottage Pie

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Sambal Eggs                               Some side dishes for the laska





Japanese Curry


Heaven Selection


Gimme Beer                                  Ahhh gotcha ....




You wanna share with me???


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M's Cake

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Food Critic                                    Cake Cutter


Glued to IP MAN


How do you line up kids in one line?

Turn on Mamma Mia and get M to command

Term and Conditions 



Long Overdue


*Blowing the dust off my blog*

Its been a while since i last typed an entry and a few people are getting bored....

Our journey back to piggy's hometown started at the wee morning of 5am 24/1!! Yes can you believe that i actually woke up at 5am eager to head over there?? Well anyway, we managed to continue packing the stuff in the car and thats including the kids. Before we started the journey, i told piggy, "I must have my mc donald breakfast meal, since i never really had a chance to eat mc donald breakfast and i desperately craving for the muffin burger". So off we went to taipan and i was their first customer hahaha. 

Journey up to Penang was ok i guess, with a little traffic here and there.The surprise part was the kids, they slept all the way which was a miracle (5 hours journey)!!!Oh forgotten to tell you that i made mayonnaise tuna sandwich for the rest of the people in the car to eat for brekkie, that was yummy too...

Finally arrived in Penang, and we were there for a longest 1 week of our lives!Lets just say that its the most boring Chinese New Year, with lots of complains and nagging from the other end.     B-O-R-I-N-G....


*After one week...."

Finally its time to head back to home sweet home! What a week at piggy's hometown. Thinking that this year Chinese new year was going to be nice and breezy, instead it was extremely hot. The masters didnt have any appetite, they were sick with vomiting and diarrhea. It was more like the whole family was sick.Poor master 2, he was eaten alive with mozzies and my maid is starting to have phobia and couldnt wait to get back home.

Nothing interesting ever happens when im up in my parents in law place.

Chinese new year with the family has finally fulfilled, and now im stuck with the cold and cough.Sigh

Anyway here are some photos during Chinese New Year!!



Master 1 praying to the god                       Father and son hands



Meantime, Master 2 at the other end of the house

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MIL cooking some Chinese new              Yam and Sweet Potato
year cake




Again Climbing                                             



Fat lazy dog


Kids having a joy time at the piano

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                                                              Sharing is Caring...



Fireworks at my uncle's place

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This is called Boredom!!.

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Artistic shot of my hands... hahhaha...